About Ahmad Saghir

My Story​

My story starts when I get tired from this life, and I started to be an introverted person.

That time when I started to watch human development videos, I thought that now I have the secret that will make my life better and successful and full of love, and all the people will applause to me at the end, so when I started working on what I have learned I found that nothing is working. 

Ops, something bad has happened, maybe I miss-understood the course or the tips, when I got back to the course, I found that I understood it all, I scroll down to the comments, I found that many people are satisfied and their lives have changed totally and they are full­ of power and motivation.

I was depressed, I thought that I am a failure, I couldn’t do it. Later, I found a new trainer in an advertisement talking about his course that helped many people, “ohhh this is my chance, the old trainer tricked me”, I thought, “So when I finish this course, I will tell everyone to watch the new one rather than the old one”.
Ops, same result, no need to explain more, everyone reading those words understand this feeling, later I stuck in my room, there is no meaning to my life. What is my purpose? What are my goals? There was a condensed fog in my brain and ideas.

My body was so tired and I had a lot of diseases and every time I travel to Lebanon, I pay thousands of dollars to the doctors and after I return to Africa in two months my health get worth, so I start to search if there is a way to stop paying this amount of money, and I started to ask Google what are my problems, even Google did not understand me. One day I found a girl on YouTube talking about energy, similar to how human development coaches talk, but she’s a doctor who heals people by controlling their feelings, the first idea come to my mind is to see if this doctor can cure my dad, I forgot my self totally.

I contacted the support team they told me it is important to take the first course to understand about the healing method of this doctor, he was an Egyptian doctor, I asked myself who is this important doctor and I never heard about him, his name is Dr. Ahmad EL Demilawi, the first expression I took is whaaat the hell is going on, is he really a doctor! No way maybe it is a dream! Later I said where is the problem? I may listen to him and watch some videos and later I can take a decision if I book a session for my dad or no. After watching many of his videos, I realized that this doctor IS A GENIUS!

I bought the course and started learning about feelings. I was literally shocked because I usually don’t pay attention to my feelings, like anyone who thinks like me. We are all like robots! We activate the auto pilot service in our brain.I booked a session and there was a place for me after 1 year so I said “nooooo I can’t wait”. But I already paid for it, and I can’t step backward, and I continue my life playing video games or watching videos. After that I saw a video for the same girl talking about Mohammed Kilani and what they did during the covid-19 pandemic so I searched for this guy and I found a little man talking about many interesting things. I asked myself how can this little man know all these information? I started to watch more and more until I heard him talking about Reik method. He added that there is a free course for who is interested in learning this method. It was Saturday night; I woke up in the morning and turned on my PlayStation and listened to the course while playing. The course is actually about 10 hours so every day I return from work and continue the course.

I started to apply this method and I started to search more about Kilani to find that he has many courses in his academy, I bought the courses that talked about narcissisms and introversions and depression and I started to understand myself more and more, at the same time I understood my feelings deeper, and I started to watch the recorded session on YouTube. In fact, I started to feel that something has changed in my feelings, so I took the decision to become a Reik Method practitioner. Here, the story begins.

Feedback & Reviews​

تخلصت من اعباء كانت تثقل كاهلي نفسياً وصحياً وشعورياً بفضل الله من خلال هذه الجلسة مع المدرب احمد


Financial Manager

وصلت بفضل الله عبر هذي الجلسة لأعمق تروما ومشكلة كانت ملخبطة كل حياتي واساس اغلب المشاكل فعلياً استطعنا نوصل للجذر والسبب الاساسي بفضل الذكاء الي ربي رزق فيه المدرب احمد ربي يسعده وينفع فيه اكثر واكثر .. انزاحت عني هموم كثيرة والآم وصعوبات وعقبات واثقال ..الحمد والشكر لله كثيراً


Assistant Buyer at Globex

أخذت جلسة مع كوتش أحمد لعلاج مشاعر كانت تظهر مع الم بجسدي لدرجة اني تعودت على الالم جزء مني … لكن لما يكون الكوتش محترف مثل أحمد بيقدر يوصلك لجذور المشكلة وتنحل بإذن الله شكرا للكوتش اسلوبو مميز و هادي معطاء ما بحسسك انك بجلسة علاج نفسي


Assistant Buyer at Globex

What Can I Do for You?​

I can help you overcome your problem starting from the root of this problem.

I have worked and uploaded some videos on my instagram page which will help you for sure. Check them along with the posts which you will be thrilled to read and apply.

I’ve had a certificate in Reik method and reached Level 2 in a little time. This is because of my efforts and the love of what I was doing. Thanks to Mohammad Kilani.

I can help you with your feelings towards anything.

Any problem you are facing, starts with a feeling. Let your feeling be relieved so we can work together on overcoming the negative vibes.

Need Advice?

Don’t hesitate to contact me for any advice.